Bubba is driving down a back road in Texas.
A sign in front of a restaurant reads:
Lobster Tail and Beer
"Lord a'mighty," he says to himself, "Thems my 3 favorites!"
Bubba is driving down a back road in Texas.
A sign in front of a restaurant reads:
Lobster Tail and Beer
"Lord a'mighty," he says to himself, "Thems my 3 favorites!"
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Dear Daniel:
Thank you contacting me regarding H.R. 358, the Protect Life Act. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.
As you already know, the government takeover of health care became law on March 23, 2010, without my support or the support of any Republicans. H.R. 3590 did not include language that would prohibit federal funding of abortions. In order to gain the votes of a group of pro-life Democrats, President Obama issued an Executive Order prohibiting federally funded abortions. However, an Executive Order does not in any way change the law, and can be reversed or altered at the stroke of a pen by this or any subsequent President without any congressional approval or notice.
Since Roe v. Wade, courts have viewed the decision as a statutory mandate that the government must provide federal funding for elective abortion in federal programs. In other words, no Executive Order or regulation can override a statutory mandate unless Congress passes a law that prohibits federal funding from being used in this manner.
In order to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions, a law needs to be enacted. I am a cosponsor of H.R. 358, which amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to prevent federal funding for abortion or abortion coverage through government exchanges, community health centers, or any other program funded or created by PPACA.
As a committed member of the Pro-Life Caucus, please know that I will work tirelessly to stop the deaths of innocent children that H.R. 3590 will inevitably cause. Thank you once again for your support and action, and for taking the time to keep me updated with your views. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of any further assistance. It is a privilege to represent you and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me regarding any matter where I might be of assistance. Please visit my website, where you can find more information on current issues, share further thoughts with me via email and subscribe to my e-newsletter for updates on issues you care about. Sincerely, Todd Akin |
After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target.Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally, unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse.Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Target:Dear Mrs. Harris,Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and we have been forced to ban
both of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband, Mr. Harris, are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras:1. June 15: He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people's carts when they weren't looking.2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in House wares to go off at 5-minute intervals.3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom.4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice, 'Code 3 in House wares. Get on it right away'. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time and costing the company money.5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layaway.6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged.8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, 'why can't you people just leave me alone?’ EMT’s were called.9. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the 'Mission Impossible' theme.12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look' by using different sizes of funnels.13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'14. October 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!'And last, but not least:15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.’ One of the clerks passed out.If you don't send this to 12 of your dearest friends, your property taxes will go up, your stocks will go down, and your middle will spread. (How's that for a curse??) WHAT? It's already come true?Then send it anyway--you've got nothing' to lose!
cooking with bacon grease
This is a warning, send this to everyone
you care about.
Warn everyone !!
Bacon grease will make your feet shrink
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Dear Daniel:
Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.
H.R. 3 was introduced on January 20, 2011 by Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ). I am proud to be an original cosponsor of this legislation. As you may know, H.R. 3590 was passed by the House and Senate and then signed by the President on March 23, 2010. I actively opposed and voted against this legislation for many reasons, including its lack of protection for preborn human life.
There has been confusion over whether this legislation allows for taxpayer funded abortions. Sadly, it does. While the original House health care bill included language similar to the Hyde amendment, H.R. 3590 omitted this language. It also failed to include conscience protections for life-affirming medical professionals. President Obama issued an Executive Order in regards to abortion funding in the healthcare law. However, this in itself cannot restrict the funding of abortions by taxpayer dollars.
History has demonstrated that unless abortion is explicitly excluded in the enabling legislation, administrative agencies and the courts will mandate it. We have seen this time and again. Initially, the federal Medicaid statute was silent on abortion, but because prior administrations and the courts deemed abortion-on-demand to be mandated coverage, over 300,000 abortions were performed yearly before the Hyde Amendment banned public funding for abortion in Medicaid. In 1979, Congressman Henry Hyde asked the Indian Health Service how they had the statutory authority to pay for abortions. The agency responded, "We have no basis for refusing to pay for abortions." In these two instances, explicit exclusion of abortion services needed to be included in law to ensure taxpayers would not have to continue to pay for abortions.
The issue is clear: if abortion is not explicitly excluded, it is implicitly included in any health care reform package passed by Congress.
Life-affirming Americans rightly object to liberal politicians in Washington forcing their values on Americans in the face of strong moral opposition. And most Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortions. Yet those who support a policy of abortion on demand seem determined to use our tax dollars to pay for it.
You can be sure that I will continue to work to protect innocent human life at all stages of development – and oppose any taxpayer funding of abortion. Abortion is not health care and I will not rest until our laws once again prohibit tax dollars going to pay for abortions in any way whatsoever.
Again, thank you for taking the time to contact my office. Please know that I will continue to work for my fellow Missourians in the legislative matters I am able to address.
It is a privilege to represent you and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me regarding any matter where I might be of assistance. Please visit my website, where you can find more information on current issues, share further thoughts with me via email and subscribe to my e-newsletter for updates on issues you care about. Sincerely, Todd Akin |
Baked Eggs with Chives & Cream |