Friday, January 27, 2012

What do you want to ask me? - President Barack Obama

Sent: January 27, 2012 01:11 PM
Subject: What do you want to ask me?

The White House, Washington


Good afternoon,

Today, I was in Michigan. Yesterday, it was Colorado and Nevada. Before that, it was Iowa and Arizona. The day after I delivered my State of the Union Address to Congress, I took off to connect with ordinary Americans around the country, talk more about our Blueprint for an America Built to Last, and get some feedback.

That's why I'm writing you.

On Monday we're going to do something a little different. At 5:30 p.m. ET, I'll walk into the Roosevelt Room across the hall from the Oval Office, take a seat, and kick-off the first-ever completely virtual town hall from the White House.

All week, people have been voting on questions and submitting their own, and a few of them will join me for a live chat.

What do you want to ask me?

This is going to be an exciting way to talk about the steps that we need to take together at this make-or-break moment for the middle class.

We have to foster a new era for American manufacturing -- rewarding companies for keeping jobs here at home and eliminating tax breaks for those who ship jobs overseas. We have to invest in homegrown energy in the United States -- starting with an all-out, all-of-the-above energy strategy that's cleaner, cheaper, and full of new jobs. We have to build an economy that works for everyone -- where every hard working American gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and the rules are the same from top to bottom.

I'm ready to get started, but I know you have questions and ideas for ways to help. So let's hear them:


President Barack Obama



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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Coming soon to a tire store near you




  They have been testing these for several years now. Resilient Tech was developing them for the military application.

Amazing new tires.........................
Michelin Tires... Absolutely SCARY looking... Look for 'em in August.
These tires are made in South Carolina , USA .
Radical new tire design by Michelin.
The next generation of tires.
They had a pair at the Philadelphia car show.


Yes, those are 'spoke' like connections to the inner part of the tire from the outside tread 'wrap!' The next picture shows how odd it looks in motion...

Makes you wonder how the ride feels doesn't it?

These tires are airless and are scheduled to be out on the market very soon.
The bad news for law enforcement is that spike strips will not work on these.
Just think of the impact on existing technology:
A. no more air valves...
B. no more air compressors at gas stations...
C. no more repair kits...
D. no more flats...
These are actual pictures taken at the South Carolina plant of Michelin.


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Friday, January 20, 2012


Sent: January 20, 2012 04:05 PM

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Dear Friend,

PSC Chairman Kevin Gunn thinks that Ameren Missouri and Kansas City Power & Light may be coordinating rate case filings in order to overwhelm consumer advocates and is launching an investigation.

"I have some concern over the possibility that rate cases have been timed to overwhelm the resources of the commission staff, the office of Public Counsel and any other intervener," Gunn said in letters to Ameren and KCP&L Attorneys. "That would be especially troublesome if there was evidence of communication between the utilities, or internal utility communications, to file rate cases closely together."

“Gunn has vowed to make sure the state's investor-owned utilities aren't taking advantage of a weakened consumer advocate. Regardless of the outcome of the inquiry, he said, ‘I want to make it clear that we're paying attention.’”

This kind of action is what we’re up against.  We need your help to make sure that the Public Service Commission stands up for consumers.  Contact the PSC to encourage them to investigate these utility companies closely and then share this message with a friend.

We need your help to fight back!


The FERAF Team

Fair Energy Rate Action Fund
• PO Box 1153 • Jefferson City, MO 65102
Paid for by the Fair Energy Rate Action Fund.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Help Fix the FEC!

With corporate and special interests already spending millions of dollars in this year’s presidential race, fair and honest elections are more important than ever.  Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is working towards that goal.

I told President Obama it’s time to nominate new commissioners to the Federal Election Commission.
Join me and sign CREW’s petition

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Will You Support Call Center Jobs?

Sent: January 13, 2012 02:25 PM
Subject: FWD: Will You Support Call Center Jobs?

Good Jobs | Communications Workers of America
Dear Daniel,

Thank you for writing Congress supporting the Call Center Bill! Since I emailed on Monday, over 12,000 people have sent messages to their members of Congress asking them to support the Bill.

Now, to demonstrate the strength of our support, we’re planning to start delivering the messages to Congress by hand next Tuesday. We’ve set a target of 25,000 messages, but we won’t reach that target unless we get some help to spread the message far and wide.

So here’s what you can do: will you forward this link to your friends and family so that they can support call center workers too?

Members of Congress are telling us that they want to know that their constituents support the bill before they take a stand, so getting your friends and family to send a message will make a real difference.

Please send this link to your friends and family to stop American call center jobs from being shipped overseas.

In Unity, 
Beth Allen
Beth Allen
Online Mobilization Coordinator

p.s. Both Democrats and Republicans have shown interest in supporting this bill, so please let your friends know no matter who their members of Congress are!


Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC. All Rights Reserved.
501 Third Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Forwarded: Rickrolled: Santorum Spoils Romney's Iowa Moment

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

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The Big Story

Santorum Takes Iowa Caucus By Storm

Mitt Romney eked out a minuscule 8-vote victory over Rick Santorum in Iowa's Republican presidential caucuses on Tuesday night, bringing down the curtain on an improbable first act in the campaign to pick a challenger to President Barack Obama for next fall.

"Game on," declared Santorum, jaw set, after easily outdistancing several other contenders to emerge as Romney's unvarnished conservative rival for the primaries yet ahead. Ron Paul finished a close third -- but Santorum's true test will come in next week's New Hampshire primary, where he must contend with Romney's organization, warchest, and Super PAC ads. READ MORE

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My Front Pages, By Joe Conason

Did Reagan Raise Taxes? Let Republicans Answer

Politicians and their flacks lie every day, but it is unusual for someone prominent to utter a totally indefensible falsehood like the whopper that just sprang from the mouth of Eric Cantor's press secretary on national television. While profiling the House Majority Whip, "60 Minutes" correspondent Leslie Stahl suggested that he might consider compromise because even Ronald Reagan had raised taxes several times. Cantor's flack then burst out in protest, saying he couldn't allow her remark "to stand." Stahl was right, of course, but the rude staffer is scarcely alone in promoting this super-sized lie about Reagan's tax purity -- and it would be worth discovering which of the Republican candidates likewise rejects this fundamental truth about their party and its idol. READ MORE

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Special-Ops Troops Go To Spy School

Among the students at the CIA-approved "Special Warfare Center" are U.S. Army Green Berets, Navy SEALs and Marine Corps special operators. The school illustrates how special operations and intelligence forces have reached an easier coexistence, after early clashes where CIA officers accused the military operators of ineptly trying to run their own spy rings overseas, without State Department or CIA knowledge. READ MORE

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Featured Column: Gene Lyons

Ron Paul's Crazy Moment

Let's start at the starting place. Rep. Ron Paul has no chance whatsoever of securing the Republican nomination, nor of being elected president under any imaginable circumstances. Ain't gonna happen. Even Newt Gingrich has basically said he'd vote for President Obama over Paul. Given that Newt would probably back Vladimir Putin over Obama -- robust foreign policy, after all -- that's definitely saying something. READ MORE

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Labor Battle

Indiana Preparing To Slash Union Rights

Indiana's Republican House leader on Tuesday promised to move swiftly to make his state the first in more than a decade to ban labor contracts that require employees to pay union fees. If Brian Bosma, Governor Mitch Daniels, and other right-to-work supporters are successful this time around, they would give national conservatives and business groups a major victory on an issue that has recently stymied them elsewhere. It also would deal another blow to organized labor, which has seen mixed results in its fight against initiatives to curb union rights nationwide, following Republican takeovers in statehouses across the country last year. READ MORE

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Video Of The Day

Bitter Newt's New Mission: Anti-Romney Kamikaze

Having finished a disappointing fourth in the Iowa caucuses, Newt Gingrich essentially admitted that he is giving up hope because negative advertising by Mitt Romney and the front-runner's "millionaire friends" had destroyed his candidacy. But later Gingrich vowed to go after Mitt Romney "every day" for the next weeks, fighting the good conservative fight for himself (and Rick Santorum). READ MORE

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Cartoon of the Day

Danziger Cartoon
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