Thursday, August 23, 2012



You are riding on a beautiful white horse.
On your left side is a drop off.
On your right side are several ostriches being chased by a lion.
In front of you are four large gazelles that won't get out of your way
and you can't seem to overtake them.
Behind you is a stampede of horses.
What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation?
For the answer click and drag your mouse from star to star.

* Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round. *

Posted via email from danny6114's Pre- posterous

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reply from Senator Roy Blunt Corrupt MoFo

Sent: August 16, 2012 11:02 AM

Subject: Reply from Senator Roy Blunt

Dear Daniel,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) rule for power plants, also known as "Utility MACT." 

This rule is just another example of the EPA's regulatory overreach. This Administration continues to impose regulations without regard for the increased costs to families and the inevitable job losses that result. The imposition of Utility MACT, paired with other burdensome rules, would kill almost 1.4 million American jobs between 2013 and 2020. It would also force electricity rates in Missouri and other areas heavily reliant on coal to increase by almost 20 percent.

On June 20th, the Senate voted on S.J. Res. 37, which would use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to overturn this burdensome EPA rule. The CRA provides for an expedited Senate floor procedure to overturn executive agency rules by a simple majority vote. Unfortunately, Senate Majority Leader Reid and 52 other Senators voted against the resolution.

We need to continue to look at other ways to stop this onslaught of regulations. I am a cosponsor of S. 609, the Comprehensive Assessment of Regulations on the Economy (CARE Act), which would set up a committee to determine the total cost of several major, controversial rules coming out of the EPA. The CARE Act ultimately is about transparency, which is critical to representative government. I also am a cosponsor of the Regulatory Time-Out Act, S. 1538, which would ban new regulations for the next year.

I will continue working to stop rules like the Utility MACT and other job-destroying regulations that fall squarely on Missouri families and job creators struggling to get back on their feet. Business owners should not be forced to choose between complying with burdensome regulations and creating jobs, and families shouldn't be forced to divert precious resources to unnecessarily high energy costs.

Again, thank you for contacting me. I look forward to continuing our conversation on Facebook ( and Twitter ( about the important issues facing Missouri and the country. I also encourage you to visit my website ( to learn more about where I stand on the issues and sign-up for my e-newsletter.

Sincere regards,

Roy Blunt
United States Senator 

Posted via email from danny6114's Pre- posterous

Friday, August 10, 2012

Men Who Lack Female Supervision.

 Men Who Lack Female Supervision.

If you don't pass this along,
Something is the matter with you



Posted via email from danny6114's Pre- posterous