Friday, March 29, 2013

Will the Supreme Court be challenged?

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Invest in Democracy
"I agree with those who ask why the Supreme Court finds it so easy to find constitutional protections for corporations and yet so hard to enforce equal protection for same sex couples."
~ U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, cosponsor of the
We the People Amendment

Dear Daniel,

Over the past 24 hours, the U.S. Supreme Court has been called everything from "timid" to "cowardly." While the court appears to be questioning the constitutionality of the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act, it also has signalled that it is "inclined to leave in place" dozens of state laws that deny equal marriage rights to same sex couples.

Remember, this is the same institution that ruled that Americans don't have a constitutional right to vote (Bush v. Gore), thereby stopping the vote count in Florida and making George W. Bush President.

It's the same court that has given the presidency unlimited power to wage war and to spy on and kill American citizens, nevermind noncombatant civilians.

It's the same court that inserted corporations into the Constitution by giving them the rights of natural born people, thereby opening the floodgates to the wholesale purchase of elections and politicians in the U.S..

What a contrast. Striking down laws that deny equal protection is considered "too sweeping" by this court. But striking down laws that protect we the (real) people against corporate power? No problem.

It's great to see that so many people have made personal statements by changing their Facebook photos to an equality sign. But we need to do more than post images and sign online petitions.

One thing you can do right now is to write a letter to the editor or a blog post. Point out that the Supreme Court is at best cautious when it comes to protecting the rights of the oppressed, the poor, the less powerful, and eager when it comes to protecting the powerful.

We think it essential that the Supreme Court - one of the most anti-democratic institutions of our federal government - is questioned. Challenged. Pushed. And resisted. And while there will be many more future times of necessity in which we must do all these things, right now is one such time. It's a teachable moment. Please write and send your letter.

We here at Liberty Tree have been working to build a democracy movement for the U.S.A. for the past seven years and will continue to do so no matter what the Supreme Court decides in June. We will continues to stand side by side for equality and democracy and to oppose corporate rule.

STAND WITH US:  Donate to Liberty Tree. 


      Sarah, Adam, Dave & Ben
      Liberty Tree team

P.S. We're finalizing the Democracy Convention website, and will be announcing the beginning of registration soon - stay tuned! For now, mark your calendars - August 7-11, 2013 in Madison, Wisconsin.
P.O. Box 260217 | Madison, WI 53726-0217 US

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Former Missouri Republican State Majority Floor Leader warns current leaders about SB207 & HB398

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Dear Daniel,

In case you missed this Op-Ed that was published by The Ozarks Sentinel, we wanted to make sure you read what Former Republican Majority Floor Leader Jason Crowell had to say about big utility-backed legislation being considered by the Missouri Legislature as early as Monday.

“As a former legislator who fought to ensure Missourians kept their hard earned money, I believe SB 207 and HB 398 are horrible public policy.  It is legislation that will hit Missourians the hardest; in their pocket books with a new surcharge on electric bills and faster unnecessary rate increases.  I feel so strongly about this new surcharge that will cost Missourians their hard earned money that I ask you to oppose it with me.

The only thing worse than more taxes on Missourians is to institute stealth taxes that take away the economic freedom and opportunity of Missouri families and businesses…

The proposed new “infrastructure” surcharge is little more than a vehicle for monopoly utility companies like Ameren, Empire Electric & KCP&L, which already operate on the very fringe of our capitalist free market economic system, to take more hard earned money out of Missourians’ pockets.  Even worse, this is for the same exact energy we receive today, they just want you and me to pay more for it…

Please join me in contacting your state legislators and let them know you are against this back door tax increase, no matter what the utilities and politicians call it.”

Contact your legislator today and tell them you oppose the surcharge that big utilities are trying to pass on to their consumers.


The FERAF Team
Fair Energy Rate Action Fund
• PO Box 1153 • Jefferson City, MO 65102
Paid for by the Fair Energy Rate Action Fund.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Todd Akin bill of the session? Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri


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Dear Daniel,

Last week the Missouri House voted to pass the Denial of Care bill (HB457), which is designed to protect and encourage those who refuse to provide critical reproductive health services to women in Missouri – even workers who deny rape survivors access to or information about emergency contraception.

Here’s what Representative Stacey Newman, (D-87 St. Louis) had to say during House debate:

"This bill terrorizes rape victims. Is this what we’re gonna do?  This is the Todd Akin bill of the session? Come on!”

Denial of Care is now before the Missouri Senate, which is likely to debate the bill next week.

Take Action NOW! Tell your Senator that science, not politics, should determine medical decisions! 

Missouri law already grants protections to individuals who refuse to provide access to safe and legal abortions. The Denial of Care bill unnecessarily expands the law to protect and encourage the denial of birth control including emergency contraception to rape survivors, sterilization, assisted reproduction and stem cell research. Denial of Care also allows medical professionals and institutions to deny referrals for the necessary care if they refuse to provide it!

Tell your Senator to vote against denying women, including survivors of rape, access to accurate information and birth control! 


Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri



Dear Daniel,

Last year, Congressman Akin’s inaccurate and insulting statements about “legitimate rape” shocked the nation.  Missourians responded at the polls and sent a clear message that survivors of sexual assault and rape deserve accurate information, support and respect.

Denial of Care

Well, some Missouri legislators did not get that message.

Among several bills filed to restrict access to reproductive health care is Representative Jones’ Denial of Care bill (HB457).  HB457 singles out women’s reproductive health care, including information and access to emergency contraception for rape survivors, for refusal of care. 

We hear they are fast-tracking this bill for a vote on Monday (3.11)! Tell your Representative to vote against denying women, including survivors of rape, access to accurate information and birth control!

Under the guise of protecting religious liberty, which is already protected by the United States Constitution and Missouri law, HB457 would needlessly expand Missouri’s already extensive refusal clause.  This bill simply goes too far.

HB457 would protect and encourage the denial of birth control (including emergency contraception to rape survivors), sterilization, assisted reproduction and stem cell research. HB457 would even allow medical professionals and institutions to deny referrals for the necessary care if they refuse to provide it!

Tell your Representative that science, not politics, should determine medical decisions! 


Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri




Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri:

Columbia  |  Florissant  |  Grandview  |  Independence |  Joplin  |  Kansas City  |  Manchester   

North Kansas City| Springfield |  St. Louis (CWE)|  St. Louis (South Grand)|  St. Peters  |  Warrensburg

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spider Senses

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Watercooler Ammo
March 13, 2013
Spider Senses

Columbia Pictures

Anyone can have Spiderman's sixth sense with the new SpiderSense suit, built by Victor Mateevitsi of the University of Illinois in Chicago. The SpiderSense suit has small robotic arms with modules containing microphones that can pick up on ultrasonic reflections from objects. When the suit detects someone moving closer, the arms apply pressure on the body to alert the wearer. There are seven of these modules placed around the suit, giving the wearer close to 360 degrees of awareness.

Mateevitsi tested the suit on blindfolded students armed with cardboard ninja throwing stars; they were told to throw the stars at approaching attackers. According to Mateevitsi, the students were successful at sensing someone nearby (and throwing a ninja star at them) 95 percent of the time. In addition to encouraging our superhero dreams, the suit could be useful in aiding the blind to sense movement around them. Tests with the visually impaired are planned; Spidermen need not apply.

PS: We don't sell superhero suits or ninja stars but we are celebrating Pi and Einstein Days -- both on March 14! Head over to the mental_floss store for awesome Einstein and Pi products like math clocks, pi coasters, and bobbleheads.

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Posted via email from danny6114's Pre- posterous

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fw: Denial... Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri

PPMO 2013 logo



Dear Daniel,

Last year, Congressman Akin’s inaccurate and insulting statements about “legitimate rape” shocked the nation.  Missourians responded at the polls and sent a clear message that survivors of sexual assault and rape deserve accurate information, support and respect.

Denial of Care

Well, some Missouri legislators did not get that message.

Among several bills filed to restrict access to reproductive health care is Representative Jones’ Denial of Care bill (HB457).  HB457 singles out women’s reproductive health care, including information and access to emergency contraception for rape survivors, for refusal of care. 

We hear they are fast-tracking this bill for a vote on Monday (3.11)! Tell your Representative to vote against denying women, including survivors of rape, access to accurate information and birth control!

Under the guise of protecting religious liberty, which is already protected by the United States Constitution and Missouri law, HB457 would needlessly expand Missouri’s already extensive refusal clause.  This bill simply goes too far.

HB457 would protect and encourage the denial of birth control (including emergency contraception to rape survivors), sterilization, assisted reproduction and stem cell research. HB457 would even allow medical professionals and institutions to deny referrals for the necessary care if they refuse to provide it!

Tell your Representative that science, not politics, should determine medical decisions! 


Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri




Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri:

Columbia  |  Florissant  |  Grandview  |  Independence |  Joplin  |  Kansas City  |  Manchester   

North Kansas City| Springfield |  St. Louis (CWE)|  St. Louis (South Grand)|  St. Peters  |  Warrensburg

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's time to unstack the deck" style="COLOR: #4391e5; TEXT-DECORATION: none;">SHARE THIS WITH A FRIEND!  |  Join Demos' mailing list View in your browser

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Senator Harkin unveiled his proposal to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour yesterday. Demos’ new report, Stacked Deck: How the Dominance of Politics by the Affluent & Business Undermines Upward Mobility in America, shows why popular policies like the minimum wage have been languishing for so long.

Download the report here.


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Sunday, February 17, 2013

"The loss of a friend #HCR"


Dear Daniel,

Our friend has died.

Let's pay our respects, and remember what, and who we are fighting for.

Melanie Shouse has died.

Melanie was a small business owner from Missouri battling stage four breast cancer, who also had to fight with insurance companies who didn't want to pay for her treatment. She didn't take that lying down -- she spoke out, she protested, she became a leader in the movement for a more just health care system. Maybe you remember the video thank-you she sent to you and other TrueMajority members last October for being part of that movement.1

The cancer took Melanie's life last week. To her family, we can only express our deepest regret and sympathy. If you'd like to send your sympathy as well, you can sign our guest book, and we'll deliver your messages to the family this weekend.

We're sorry we didn't get health care reform done sooner. Sorry that insurance coverage isn't more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans who need it. Mostly, we're sorry to lose our friend.

But Melanie would not have wanted us to stop fighting for reform. In fact, she asked that those attending her memorial service wear their activist t-shirts. So tomorrow, in lieu of flowers, let's deliver our condolences, put on a campaign t-shirt and remember why we fight and who we are fighting for.


Matt Holland
TrueMajority / USAction

1 -

If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for TrueMajority. is a grassroots group of citizens who believe in America's true values of openness, fairness and compassion. We believe participating in an effective government is the best way to be mutually responsible for our community. TrueMajority is a project of USAction, a 501(c)(4) organization under the IRS tax code.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Say No To Ameren’s Latest Power Play

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Dear Daniel,

As you may have heard, Ameren is working to pass legislation to charge a brand new surcharge to every business and resident electric bill. Despite the fact that Ameren’s rates have gone up 43% since 2006, costing Missourians $2.8 billion, Ameren wants to change the rules so they can raise your rates without hearing your opinion about it.

Ameren’s bill, SB 207 is allowing a monopoly utility company to take more money from Missouri businesses and citizens. No other state allows anything like Ameren’s requested surcharge. SB 207 will kill Missouri jobs by operating as a massive rate increase on Missouri employers and consumers. In addition, SB 207 's massive automatic rate increases will drive up the cost of doing business in Missouri and cause jobs to move to other states.

We need your help to make sure the legislature knows that SB 207 is an unprecedented overreach and would hurt consumers. Come show your opposition to the bill by coming to the legislative hearing on SB 207 at 3 pm on February 5th in the Senate Lounge, inside the State Capitol.

Despite Missouri's struggling economy, Ameren is using profits extracted from Missouri ratepayers to prop up losses from its unregulated affiliates and subsidiaries in other states. Say no to Ameren’s latest power play by coming to the legislative hearing on SB 207 at 3 pm on February 5th in the Senate Lounge, inside the State Capitol. Keep up with FERAF on Facebook and Twitter.


The FERAF Team
Fair Energy Rate Action Fund
• PO Box 1153 • Jefferson City, MO 65102
Paid for by the Fair Energy Rate Action Fund.

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