Sunday, February 17, 2013

"The loss of a friend #HCR"


Dear Daniel,

Our friend has died.

Let's pay our respects, and remember what, and who we are fighting for.

Melanie Shouse has died.

Melanie was a small business owner from Missouri battling stage four breast cancer, who also had to fight with insurance companies who didn't want to pay for her treatment. She didn't take that lying down -- she spoke out, she protested, she became a leader in the movement for a more just health care system. Maybe you remember the video thank-you she sent to you and other TrueMajority members last October for being part of that movement.1

The cancer took Melanie's life last week. To her family, we can only express our deepest regret and sympathy. If you'd like to send your sympathy as well, you can sign our guest book, and we'll deliver your messages to the family this weekend.

We're sorry we didn't get health care reform done sooner. Sorry that insurance coverage isn't more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans who need it. Mostly, we're sorry to lose our friend.

But Melanie would not have wanted us to stop fighting for reform. In fact, she asked that those attending her memorial service wear their activist t-shirts. So tomorrow, in lieu of flowers, let's deliver our condolences, put on a campaign t-shirt and remember why we fight and who we are fighting for.


Matt Holland
TrueMajority / USAction

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If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for TrueMajority. is a grassroots group of citizens who believe in America's true values of openness, fairness and compassion. We believe participating in an effective government is the best way to be mutually responsible for our community. TrueMajority is a project of USAction, a 501(c)(4) organization under the IRS tax code.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Say No To Ameren’s Latest Power Play

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Dear Daniel,

As you may have heard, Ameren is working to pass legislation to charge a brand new surcharge to every business and resident electric bill. Despite the fact that Ameren’s rates have gone up 43% since 2006, costing Missourians $2.8 billion, Ameren wants to change the rules so they can raise your rates without hearing your opinion about it.

Ameren’s bill, SB 207 is allowing a monopoly utility company to take more money from Missouri businesses and citizens. No other state allows anything like Ameren’s requested surcharge. SB 207 will kill Missouri jobs by operating as a massive rate increase on Missouri employers and consumers. In addition, SB 207 's massive automatic rate increases will drive up the cost of doing business in Missouri and cause jobs to move to other states.

We need your help to make sure the legislature knows that SB 207 is an unprecedented overreach and would hurt consumers. Come show your opposition to the bill by coming to the legislative hearing on SB 207 at 3 pm on February 5th in the Senate Lounge, inside the State Capitol.

Despite Missouri's struggling economy, Ameren is using profits extracted from Missouri ratepayers to prop up losses from its unregulated affiliates and subsidiaries in other states. Say no to Ameren’s latest power play by coming to the legislative hearing on SB 207 at 3 pm on February 5th in the Senate Lounge, inside the State Capitol. Keep up with FERAF on Facebook and Twitter.


The FERAF Team
Fair Energy Rate Action Fund
• PO Box 1153 • Jefferson City, MO 65102
Paid for by the Fair Energy Rate Action Fund.

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