Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 12:07 PM
Subject: Over 10,000 signatures so far -- Thank You!
| Dear Friend, Incredible. Since we launched our online petition, over 10,000 people have added their names in support of tough regulation on corporations who want to spend their profits on our elections. You are one of those people -- thank you, thank you, thank you! For my part, I have been talking to the media about our effort. I wanted to share some clips with you today, as well as ask (again) for your help in spreading the word about our petition to your friends and family. With your help - we'll keep this conversation going. If big oil companies who stand in the way of creating jobs through renewable energy development want to try and buy elections, the voters need to know whose side they're on. If health insurance companies who oppose reform at the expense of millions of Americans are going to play an out-sized role in our democracy, we need to hold them accountable for every penny they spend. Click here to share our petition on Facebook, it's a great way to get people involved. Or, click here to use our website to share the petition via email with your friends and family. If we work together, we can keep the media, and my colleagues in Congress, talking about this issue. Thanks again for signing, we've generated some strong momentum already and with your help - we'll keep this effort going strong. -Sherrod P.S. If you're on Twitter, you can follow news and updates about our efforts at @SherrodBrown | | | |
Posted via email from danny6114's posterous
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