Dear Supporter, As a veteran of the Iraq war and as an American citizen, I shared your outrage to learn that life insurance companies were banking millions of dollars in profit off the death benefits paid to military families. Rather than paying the benefits directly to families as requested, insurance companies kept the money in their own accounts and earned a much higher interest rate than was paid to the families of the deceased. It's wrong, and they need to stop. I've called on these companies to end these deceptive practices and return any profit they made off these arrangements to the families. As we speak, I'm working with my colleagues on legislation to end this practice and ensure military families get their rightful benefits. That families who have lost so much - who have already made the ultimate sacrifice - deserve better. I thank all of you at Vote Vets for joining with me to fight to end this practice and stand up for our brothers- and sisters-in-arms. Sincerely,
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thank you for your support on insurance scam
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tomorrow Evening, President Barack Obama
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Fw: Palin-Beck 2012: (Your slogan here)
Dear Daniel,
Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally this past Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial, was all about three things:
1. Finally, and officially, fusing the Religious Right and the Tea Party;
2. Making the Tea Party seem more palatable to the public as a moderate, commonsense movement - cloaked in the flag, Christianity, the Constitution, our Founders and even Martin Luther King; and, most especially,
3. Promoting and aggrandizing Beck himself, as well as the other high-profile featured speaker, Sarah Palin.
As scary as the prospect is of Sarah Palin capturing the Republican nomination for president in 2012, this is clearly what the loudest voices and most ardent activists on the Right have suggested: a Palin-Beck Republican ticket for the White House in 2012.
Let's help them think of a good slogan nice and early.
We want you to send us your idea for a Palin-Beck 2012 campaign slogan. We'll pick the best slogans and put them online for everyone to see and vote on their favorites.
Get started now. The actual would-be Palin-Beck campaign's slogan would probably be, shall we say, a little bit less than candid. Here's your chance to be more accurate in your description about what such a presidential-vice presidential team would bring to this country.
Have fun with it. In 2008, ideas to apply to the McCain-Palin ticket could have been "Repeal the 20th Century," "4 More Wars!" or "More of the Same" as just a few examples.
Now, go ahead and have at it. Tell us your best idea for a Palin-Beck 2012 campaign slogan and then make sure you ask others to join the fun and submit their ideas.
Ben Betz, Online Communications Manager
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sept. 2 (7pm): Yemeni Activists & CCR Attorney Address Human Rights Violations & "War on Terror"
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Dear CCR supporter, On September 2, 2010, at 7pm, please join us at the Brecht Forum in New York City for Confronting State Violence, Targeted Killing, and Human Rights Abuse in the U.S.-Yemen partnership to fight the "War on Terror," a public discussion featuring renowned Yemeni activists and a CCR human rights attorney. (The Brecht Forum is located on 451 West Street between Bank and Bethune Streets. For directions, please see: The U.S. government describes Yemen as "an important partner in the global war on terrorism" while at the same time characterizing it as an Al-Qaida stronghold. The Yemeni government has taken advantage of the U.S. partnership and increasing military aid to justify its domestic "anti-terror campaigns" which have resulted in egregious human rights violations, including mass arrests, illegal abductions, enforced disappearances, torture, and killings. The victims of this violence are not only alleged militants and their families, but Yemeni dissidents and journalists critical of their government. The "war on terror" has served as a cover for the Yemeni state to increase repression and militarization in response to its own internal political crises -- all with the tacit approval of the international community. Visiting Yemeni human rights activists will discuss what they are doing to resist this mounting repression and to create a meaningfully democratic and peaceful future. Learn about the political climate in Yemen, and together think through what ethical solidarity with Yemeni people might look like. Also hear from a CCR lawyer who is trying to stop a "targeted killing" by the United States in Yemen and who represents men detained at Guantánamo -- where Yemeni men constitute the largest group of remaining prisoners, all declared by the Obama administration to be indefinitely detainable without charge based solely on their nationality. Developing an understanding of this political reality is crucial to ending the U.S. government's complicity in more human rights abuses, and to stopping the creation of a boundless war without end that threatens our collective safety. Sincerely, Annette Warren Dickerson List of Panelists:
*This event is co-sponsored by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Brecht Forum. |
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Glenn Beck vs. Dr. King?
Did you hear that Fox News' parent company came right out and gave a $1 million contribution directly to the Republican party? So much for "fair and balanced."
Fox News is a problem. Which is why we want to pass on this important email from our friends at ColorOfChange, who've just launched a new campaign to get Fox News off of TVs in public spaces. Check it out!
–Ilyse, Robin, Jeff, Marika, and the rest of the team
–————Forwarded message—————
From: James Rucker,
Subject: Glenn Beck vs. Dr. King?
A year ago, Glenn Beck called the president a racist who had a deep-seated hatred for white people.1 In just over a week, he says he will "reclaim"2 the legacy of the civil rights movement by holding his "Restoring Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.—on the same day and place as Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech.3
You can get mad at Beck. You can protest and try to prevent him from stepping on Dr. King's honor for one day. The reality is that the next day—and five days a week from there on out—Beck will be back on Fox News, speaking to millions and spreading hate, lies, and fear, as he does every week.
The real problem is Fox News. Fox News gives Beck his platform, and Fox promotes his events—all despite Beck losing virtually all of his major advertisers in the last year.
Fox's rhetoric is not just divisive; it's dangerous. Last month, a heavily armed man got into a gunfight with police after he was pulled over on his way to kill people at the Tides Foundation4—a non-profit that was little known until Glenn Beck repeatedly demonized it, claiming it to be the center of a great conspiracy.5 Last year, Kansas doctor George Tiller was gunned down while at church6 after Bill O'Reilly called him a Nazi, a "baby killer," and warned of "Judgment Day."7
It's why today we're launching TurnOffFox, and we hope you'll join us. TurnOffFox is the first step in our overall effort to beat back the poison, hate, and division of Fox. We'll get Fox turned off in stores, restaurants, and other public places—places where Fox pulls in new viewers and gains legitimacy. But we need your help.
Click below to declare your household "Fox free" and at the same time call on establishments in your community (and across the country) to follow your lead and turn off Fox. Armed with thousands of signatures, ColorOfChange members will visit businesses in their communities that play Fox, explain how divisive and dangerous it is, and call on them to stop. And we'll give you a FREE Turn Off Fox sticker when you do—it takes just a moment:
Some people watch Fox at home because it reflects their view of the world; but there are others who see it on TV in public places and assume that it's legitimate news. Fox News is often on in bars, restaurants, airport lounges, stores—appearing to be real news, while spreading lies and fomenting hate and division.
The goal of Turn Off Fox is to reduce the number of public TVs showing Fox News, while spreading the word about Fox's poison (and how it works) to those who don't know.
Signing up for the campaign is just the first step. We make it easy for you to tell us about businesses playing Fox. If you're willing to talk with them, we'll provide you with straightforward materials that explain why they shouldn't be a party to what Fox is doing. And if there are businesses you know that want to tell the world they would never play Fox, you can help them declare themselves a "Fox-free zone."
As businesses Turn off Fox and stand up as Fox Free, and as we encourage our friends and family to do the same, we'll help make clear, to people across the country, what Fox is about. And we'll reduce their ability to do harm.
Click the link below to join us and our partners at in standing up to Fox, and we'll give you a free TurnOffFox sticker. And then please ask your friends and family to do the same:
Thanks and Peace,
–James, Gabriel, William, Dani, Milton, and the rest of the team
1. "Beck caps off week of race-baiting by calling Obama a 'racist'," Media Matters, 07-30-2009
2. "Beck says his 8-28 rally will "reclaim the civil rights movement. ... We were the people that did it in the first place'," Media Matters, 05-26-2010
3. "Glenn Beck's plans for rally on a hallowed date and spot spurs countermarches," The Washington Post, 08-17-2010
4. "I-580 gunman targeted ACLU, Tides Foundation," KGO-TV, 07-20-2010
5. "Beck denies being 'responsible' for planned massacre at office of group he demonized," Media Matters, 07-29-2010
6. "George Tiller Killed: Abortion Doctor Shot At Church," AP /Huffington Post, 05-31-2009
7. "O'Reilly's campaign against murdered doctor," Salon, 05-31-2009
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Daniel Perez on August 27, 2010. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.
Ending the filibuster starts here
The Bitter Truth
> A man is watching a game of golf on TV. But he keeps switching channels | ||
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Molecular Gastronomists Don't Sear Their Steak
Molecular Gastronomists Don't Sear Their Steak
Public Citizen Is Doing Good Work on Our Behalf
Sign up to receive their activist newsletter, Citizen Direct, and their regular action updates: You'll find out how we can take back our democracy.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Stimulus boosted U.S. GDP by up to 4.5 percent in 2Q 2010
Stimulus boosted U.S. GDP by up to 4.5 percent in 2Q 2010
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The massive stimulus package boosted real GDP by up to 4.5 percent in the second quarter of 2010 and put up to 3.3 million people to work, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday.
CBO's latest estimate indicates that the stimulus effort, which remains a political hot potato ahead of the November congressional elections, may have prevented the sluggish U.S. economy from contracting between April and June.
Economists surveyed by Reuters expect that revised numbers due out on Friday will show that the economy grew at an anemic 1.4 percent pace during that time period -- less than the boost of at least 1.7 percent that the stimulus provided, according the CBO estimate.
The massive package of tax cuts, construction spending and enhanced safety-net benefits was passed in February 2009 in the midst of the deepest recession since the 1930s.
It raised employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million jobs during the second quarter of this year, CBO estimated.
Measured another way, CBO said the stimulus increased the number of full-time equivalent jobs by up to 4.8 million, as part-time workers shifted to full-time work or employers offered more overtime work.
CBO said the package, officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, would cost $814 billion, down from its previous estimate of $862 billion. The lower figure was thanks largely to health-care subsidies that cost less than anticipated. CBO initially estimated the bill would worsen budget deficits by $787 billion.
Other than that, the estimate varies only slightly from the budget office's forecast released in May.
With both the House of Representatives and the Senate up for grabs in November, Democrats hope voters will give them credit for breathing some life into the economy. Republicans, who almost universally opposed the stimulus, have criticized it as wasteful and ineffective.
Some 67 percent of those surveyed in a Reuters/Ipsos poll last month said President Barack Obama is not focusing enough on job creation. Voters in that survey said the economy and jobs are the most pressing issues facing the country.
CBO said it expects the effects of the stimulus to gradually diminish over the remainder of the year.
(Reporting by Andy Sullivan and Emily Kaiser; Editing by Stacey Joyce)
So you think you know baseball?
It's time for action, Ameren is already filing for yet ANOTHER rate increase
Fw: Save 40% on ALL Lee Jeans for 3 Days Only
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