Monday, July 25, 2011

From the office of Congressman Todd Akin, DOMA Dumbass

Sent: July 25, 2011 09:03 AM
Subject: From the office of Congressman Todd Akin



Dear Daniel:

 The federal Defense of Marriage Act was enacted in 1996 by large bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It insured that states would not have to recognize same-sex "marriages" from other states, and that the federal government would recognize only the union of one man and one woman as "marriage."

Unfortunately, a small but vocal minority of the population has undertaken a campaign to undermine traditional marriage. H.R. 1116, the Respect for Marriage Act, is a recent attempt to redefine marriage.  This bill was introduced on March 16, 2011, and it is currently under review in the House Judiciary Committee.  If passed, it would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, and give marital status to any person who was married in a state where it was allowed, regardless of whether the marriage was between one man and one woman.

42 states have passed Constitutional amendments or statutes to affirm the definition of marriage that has been in existence for centuries, but non-traditional marriage is legal in five states and the District of Columbia.  Support for the Respect for Marriage Act has been growing, and it is an important issue in Congress at the moment.

I believe the attack on traditional marriage is a seminal issue facing our country. America has a strong tradition of recognizing the family as a basic building block of society. There are many types of families, and I honor the sacrifices of single parents, foster parents and grandparents who undertake the responsibilities of parenting again. Yet, studies have consistently demonstrated what we have long known – the most healthy and stable environment for childrearing is a home where a mother and father love each other and both love their children.  This is why I support and will continue to fight for the Defense of Marriage Act.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact my office. Please know that I will continue to work for my fellow Missourians in the legislative matters I am able to address.

It is a privilege to represent you and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me regarding any matter where I might be of assistance. Please visit my website, where you can find more information on current issues, share further thoughts with me via email and subscribe to my e-newsletter for updates on issues you care about. 


Todd Akin
Member of Congress

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Posted via email from danny6114's Pre- posterous

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