Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Saddle up!

Dear Friend:

On March 9th, the insurance industry's lobbyist front group is coming back to DC to defend their criminal health care system and plot to kill health reform.

Sometimes it's not enough just to rally. Sometimes you have to take direct action.

We are gathering a people's posse to stage a mass citizen's arrest and hold the insurance companies accountable for their crimes against Americans' health - and demand that Congress passes reform that works for us now.

Can you join me? You can join in person in DC or from home online. Click here to find out how you can help!


The insurance companies have committed heinous crimes:

- They break contracts by selling you insurance and then denying you care

- They launder money through other front groups - including tens of millions through the ultra right-wing Chamber of Commerce

- They pervert our democracy by bribing public officials by spending millions per day on corporate lobbyists

- And 45,000 die people every year because they don't have insurance

They must be stopped. And we, the people are going to stop them.

Click here to deputize yourself and join our people's posse to arrest the insurance companies on March 9th:


On March 9th we will shut them down, confront them, and hold them accountable for their actions.

They might have millions of dollars to spend on corporate lobbyists and misleading attack ads, but we've got the power of the people. We're going to arrest them, we're going to shut down their conference.

We need your help. We need your help to put the insurance companies and every corporate enemy of change on notice: We will not allow the big corporations and their lobbyists to bully Congress into inaction.

We cannot let them win. We have come too far. We need Congress to listen to us, not the big insurance companies, the fat cats on Wall Street, the oil industry and the polluters, and the rest of the corporate lobbyists who stand in the way of a better America.

Join us on March 9th - sign up for information on how you can help us arrest the insurance companies:


I'll see you there and together, we will shut them down. Congress will listen to us - not corporate lobbyists - and pass reform that works for the people.

Posted via email from danny6114's Pre- posterous

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