Friday, March 5, 2010

Stop Stupak

Dear Friend,

We must act now to stop Cong. Bart Stupak's latest assault on women's rights!

Even though the Senate rejected Stupak's initial language to prohibit millions of women from getting coverage for abortion in their health insurance, he's making one last ditch effort to get his provisions into the final health care bill. And, if he doesn't get his way, he's planning to derail health care reform altogether.

Stupak says that he and 11 other members of Congress will hold health care hostage if they don't see more restrictions made on women's rights -- restrictions that, like his earlier proposal, could go further than any previous federal law to restrict access to abortion. But we can't let that happen.

Click here to join the pro-choice Democratic women in Congress and say, loud and clear: Stop Stupak!

We know the pro-choice Democratic women in Congress are the firewall against anti-choice advocates like Stupak, but they need our voices to join with theirs if we are going to win this battle. We must act now to stop Stupak!

I have already added my name to this call to action, but I'm counting on you to join me to make sure we stop Stupak!

Posted via email from danny6114's Pre- posterous

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